Friday, July 4, 2008

Juggling Act from 6/21/08


Nekkid Ape said...

I hate you so much for being able to do behind the back with both hands. I'm stuck on right hand only still.

Ricky said...

I'm actually working on continuos backcross-doubles. They're fun, and look awesome.

Mooch said...

dear good sir richard:

A few wacky compatriots and I are endeavoring upon a splendid bit of circus and fire tomfoolery and happened to see your lovely little show here. I think perhaps we could collaborate and come to some sort of symbiotic relationship in which you pay us $1 million for the right to wear that hat on stage. Oh, and we should totally like put some entertainment troupe together and juggle and stuff. I'll bake cookies if you join us. Maybe even some banana bread too cuz I know you luuuuuuv teh banana bread, you scruffy little monkey. You ARE a scruffy little monkey, yes---you----are. Scruffy monkey...

Michael NightTime said...

goofy ass bastard.
it's not the same without the fezz. . .
and the hurl-ed fruite.
still. . . well done./