Tuesday, September 30, 2008


As a rule I only really create "art" when I have a random bout of inspiration. I find it very difficult to sit down and create something without prompt, and as such garbage like raver-elf-chicks get born.

How does one get inspired to do something meaningful? How does one pluck their ethereal muse from the air, attach her to one's wrist with an iron manacle, and keep the inspiration flowing day after day?

Perhaps the answer is doing great feats. Perhaps it is meditation and self-reflection. Perhaps it is hard drugs.

At any rate, it would seem that less video games and more sleep would be a step in the right direction. My mind has been flighty at best lately, and I often find myself having problems concentrating and formulating rational and worthwhile comments. I need a shot of Ginko straight to the brain. Or perhaps just a long winter's nap. Yes, in fact, that sounds lovely.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Well as of today, circus arts Ninja Training will officially be over. How fitting it is, then, that it is also "Talk Like a Pirate Day".


So swab the poopdeck! Raise the sails! Bilge the bilgewater! And for the love of Davy Jones, who took me grog?!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


10-day circus boot camp starts tomorrow (today, the 10th). It is also Jeremy's birthday. Tim is here, back from Burning Man, and now our little enclave of artistic bums is complete. We are drinking rum, juggling, and blogging, like the true heroes that we are.

In the later years, we will look back upon these days and smile, knowing that we may not have had a plan, but we did it right.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pow! Zoom!