Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to Pack Up your Childhood Room

Step 1: Make a terribly difficult, life-changing emotional decision.
Step 2: Listen to a lot of hard rock / metal

Step 3: Start tearing everything off of your walls.
Step 4: ???

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Video Games are the Devil

It strikes me that if I put the sheer amount of time that I put into video games that I do into more productive forms of work, then I could be truly badass.

Perhaps my addiction is, for the moment, the only thing keeping the world safe from my inevitably overwhelming talent and potential.

In other news, I am now officially on the Different Spin "Bios" section of the website (and I expect I have been for quite some time and only just now noticed), which is nice. Feel free to go there and ogle my sexy, sexy fireball.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Journal update

Just got back from the BU spinjam, and dinner with them afterwards. AND I finally finished the book Stacey lent me, called "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius". So I went into boston, read on the way, met some cool people, spun a bit (in the corner, like the shy n00b I am) and got back exhausted.

It feels so good to DO things.

Oh, and it's my birthday. 23 years... is that a good year? It seems like it must be a good year.

It shall be a good year.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I feel hung over

Yet I have not been drinking.

This is probably the problem; dehydration. I have been drinking a ton of water today to try and stave off laryngitis (I lost my voice yesterday, probably from speaking too loudly all day at kids trying to wrangle them into fits of creativity). The sun was hot today though, and as it dried up all the flash rain that pelted camp today it probably dried up all my reserve moisture as well.

Is there a better cure for a lost voice? I've heard hot showers and honey and lemon. Maybe I can just bathe in some tea.