Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Status Report

Done moving in to Boston house. I really like the apartment, and the area. We are a three minute drive from Katie and Papacrop and Jamie! Yes!

We went to the BU spinjam tonight and it was great - we met some awesome people and juggled like fools, slowly infecting half of the spinjam with our devious juggling ways.

Also - I saw Pat Campbell, a guy I went to highschool with, THERE of all places. His girlfriend made him come, and it was the first time he had gone. Coincidences are WEIRD!

I also hooked myself a freelance graphic design gig on Craigslist. I'm finishing up a project involving the packaging around a bizarre foam exer-rolly-cylinder-device. I am apparently amazing at finding odd niche things to advertise for; first deli slicer tables and now this. Go me!

All in all, a VERY promising start to Boston life!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Moving out

So Jeremy and I found an apartment in Boston and the four of us A Different Spin east coast chaps are busily filling out lease forms. It's official, we're moving out. Time to pack up, say goodbye to New York people, and re-establish ourselves in a new and exciting city and thus begin the next chapter of our lives.


P.S. Here are some demons that I drew the other day.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes we did.

Yeah, so that just about sums everything up.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So I went out and rocked the vote. I think.

Port Ewen, NY (the district that I registered with as I am still technically a resident here) has a really bizarre voting system. Maybe I forgot about going through it 4 years ago, but there's something undeniably unsatisfying about voting on a mechanical lever machine.

You go in, you pull a lever to close the curtains, you mark your votes by switching certain levers from horizontal to diagonal, then you pull the curtain lever back and everything goes back to neutral. Then you exit the booth, feeling a bit like nothing just happened. No "Thank you for your vote!" or other phyiscal proof that your vote got counted. I may be spoiled from all these internet instant-email-notification responses like when you buy something or pay a bill online, but it would be nice if I could get some sort of response to make sure that I haven't disenfranchised myself.

All that being said, I will be eagerly awaiting the results tonight. Election-night drinking game, anyone? One drink for every state Obama wins and two for every McCain wins?