Friday, September 19, 2008


Well as of today, circus arts Ninja Training will officially be over. How fitting it is, then, that it is also "Talk Like a Pirate Day".


So swab the poopdeck! Raise the sails! Bilge the bilgewater! And for the love of Davy Jones, who took me grog?!


Unknown said...

Damn it. I missed TLAPD?! Nobody here even MENTIONED it. And it's supposed to be INTERNATIONAL....

Well, hell. Would it be poking at the sordid past to say that this holiday always reminds me of you?

Nekkid Ape said...

Alas, sir, ye've caught me a'nappin' at th' tiller. I too somehow managed ta' overlook TLAPD fer nigh on the full course o' th' day.

This makes me inexpressibly sad.

Ricky said...

Sasha - What, in fact, DO you do with a drunken sailor?

And Justin... you work with sea-beasts, I'm surprised you don't talk like a pirate every day!

There was a great round of wandering accents when we visited Vassar; Tim, Jeremy, Connor and I were Pirates, then Irish Pirates, then Russian Pirates, then just plain Russian, before finally giving up the accents before we completely lost track.

Unknown said...

I believe, good sir, that you throw him in the hole with the cap'n's daughter. At least that's what I've been told.