Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So I drew my bad-ass D&D character. He's a half-elf ranger named "Gad" and dispenses justice in the form of flaming arrows to your FACE because he is THAT COOL.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

...and master of none.

In the past 24 hours I have proven myself in two random and completely un-lucrative ways:

1) Performing with A Different Spin, along with Tim, Jeremy and Mooch at the Arisia sci-fi convention in Cambridge, which included a solo 5-minute ball and club juggling routine which apparently went really well.

2) Doing sound and lights for Peter and Lily for their two-man comedy show (called "The Tango", at Improv Boston). The funny part about that was that I was also tagged by the stand-up rapper act before them to run his music and lights. No difficulties = great success!

So I suppose I can start making the most schizophrenic bohemian artist resume ever. If only there were jobs out there looking for "generally competant people with varied interesting skills".