Sunday, January 18, 2009

...and master of none.

In the past 24 hours I have proven myself in two random and completely un-lucrative ways:

1) Performing with A Different Spin, along with Tim, Jeremy and Mooch at the Arisia sci-fi convention in Cambridge, which included a solo 5-minute ball and club juggling routine which apparently went really well.

2) Doing sound and lights for Peter and Lily for their two-man comedy show (called "The Tango", at Improv Boston). The funny part about that was that I was also tagged by the stand-up rapper act before them to run his music and lights. No difficulties = great success!

So I suppose I can start making the most schizophrenic bohemian artist resume ever. If only there were jobs out there looking for "generally competant people with varied interesting skills".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If only! If there were job descriptions only requiring general competence, we'd all be gainfully employed by now, alas.