Dream last night:
The world was taken over by zombies, much like in the comic series I've been binge-reading, "The Walking Dead". Myself and a handful of friends had taken shelter on a gated farm with ever-growing legions of the undead just outside. All I had for self-defense was a riot-guard-brand nightstick to bash in zombie heads. At one point someone was an idiot and left the gate open and in they came, shambling after us. Now these were slow zombies so they could be easily outrun but if they surrounded you you were dead. I just ran and ran.
In an odd turn of events, a small clan of underground vampires was discovered. Much of my compatriots had decided that it was better to become a vampire than a mindless zombie so they all got bitten and joined the ranks of the more fashionable undead. Then the vampires kicked all the zombies' asses.
So now I'm one of the few remaining humans in a world ruled by an elite class of vampires. There are still hundreds of thousands of zombies shambling around but the vampires pay them no heed as they can strike them down easily and are immune to the zombie plague. Cut to me performing an A Different Spin show at some college in the middle of a zombie city. Jeremy, Tim, and Mooch are there, but I think Tim is a vampire and he wants me dead. Luckily I have super evasion powers and can scale buildings by leaping up twenty feet and grabbing onto the walls. Let it be known that vampires in this world can also do this.
Somehow I avoid being bitten for some time. We A Different Spinners set out to find a place that is truly safe from zombies. This leads us down a dirt road to a large labyrinthine apartment complex full of abandoned rooms and kitchens that endlessly lead to hallways and living rooms. Somewhere along the way we found a couple of girls and a guy who we took to be survivors living in one of the apartments. We befriended them and they offered us supplies and a place to stay for the night. However, as the sun set I could see their glistening fangs. We were in a house of vampires.