Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I feel hung over

Yet I have not been drinking.

This is probably the problem; dehydration. I have been drinking a ton of water today to try and stave off laryngitis (I lost my voice yesterday, probably from speaking too loudly all day at kids trying to wrangle them into fits of creativity). The sun was hot today though, and as it dried up all the flash rain that pelted camp today it probably dried up all my reserve moisture as well.

Is there a better cure for a lost voice? I've heard hot showers and honey and lemon. Maybe I can just bathe in some tea.


Mooch said...

stop being such a drunkpants. see, even without the booze you are a drunkpants. damn drunkpantsesese...

Ricky said...

That's me, Spongebob Drunkpants

Su said...

herbal tea, with ginger in it, the caffeine in real tea is bad for your vocal chords.
Stay away from milk products, the just cause phlegm.
You can also try vocal rest; don't talk for 24 hours, as much as that is realistic.

Feel better