I stand firm, however, that no matter what other people say, you cannot take away from me the fact that Death Note is awesome.
Let me explain:
The series is about Light Yagami, a brilliant schoolboy-turned megalomaniac who acquires the power to kill whoever he wants after finding the notebook of a death god. With it, he does what any upstanding selfish egomaniacal teenager would do and starts executing every fucking murderer, rapist and general ne'er-do-well that lands themselves on the news, sure that one day because of his Justice dealings that he will be recognized as a God of the new world, free of crime and war.
"That's pretty awesome," I say to myself, "That man has a plan." One may not agree with that plan, but he HAS one, and he does what he has to to make sure it gets done.
I, on the other hand do not have a plan, and that fact is only growing heavier on me for every day that I spend at the job that I do not like, coming home to rot my brain in front of the narcotic glow of the computer screen. I know how to pursue things that I want, but right now I do not WANT anything at all. I need to learn how to WANT things again, even if its not in the apocalyptical flaming sword of justice kind of way (which I certainly wouldn't be terribly opposed to).
At any rate, enough about how Death Note has become my mental and spiritual guidance as of late, because that is undeniably weird. One day my addiction to it will wane, but Goddamn it, I need to fill this blog with something.
And now for my artistic musings: The first bunch is stolen from stock photos on DeviantArt. The second is stolen from real life, outside my apartment window.

1 comment:
Huh. Death gods keep notebooks, who knew! I like your apartment drawing. Hang in there.
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