Friday, May 30, 2008

You can't keep a good man down

So my computer broke, which lead to many hours of my fiddling with the underside of my laptop while gently stroking my trackpad like only a sensual lover can.

Several days, a bunch of Goldeneye 64 and a quick trip to Best Buy later I have broken down and bought and external, USB keyboard for my laptop.

Yes, my laptop is now a desktop.

This wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that the only keyboard I could find that was below $60 is ironically too big to fit into my trendy Timbuktu messenger bag. I am, however, able to return to the world of online bloggery and other such technological time-wasting.

If anyone knows of a place that will fix a Macbook Pro with an expired warranty (not buying AppleCare = fail) for something short of an arm and a leg, let me know.

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